Virtual Team Building Singapore
Virtual Team Building Singapore

Icebreaker Games

Icebreaker Games

Icebreaker games are a useful approach to connecting new members of the group. They can help the team get to know more about each other and make everyone feel more comfortable. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best icebreaker questions for teams. We will also provide tips on how to organize icebreaker games effectively. Icebreaker games can be a fun and engaging way to improve communication within your team, so be sure to give them a try!

Icebreaker question suggestions

Icebreaker Games
  1.  What is your proudest achievement?
  2.  If you could write a book, what would it be about?
  3.  What is the happiest moment in your life? What made it so special?
  4.  What's the scariest thing you've ever done for fun?
  5.  What is the best gift you have ever given/received?
  6.  What is your dream job?
  7.  What did you get to know in college/high school?
  8.  What's the best piece of advice you've ever heard?
  9.  What is a special place you would like to visit?
  10.  What is your ideal day like?
  11.  If you could transform into any animal, what would you turn into?
  12.  Who would win a war: a duck the size of a horse or 100 horses the size of a duck?
  13.  If you were a color, what color would you be?
  14.  Which superpower would you choose to have? Why?
  15.  What was your favorite TV show as a child?
  16.  If you had a time machine, to what time period would you travel?
  17.  If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  18.  If you had one wish, what would it be?
  19.  If you were stranded on an island, what 3 things would you bring?
  20.  Which song describes you best?

Tips to get ready for online icebreaker games

Tell A Story

Icebreaker Games

Telling stories is one of the most interesting icebreaker games because it reveals how creative your team members are. It's relatively easy to play. You just need to ask your team members to pick up an object nearby or you can choose it and send a picture into the group chat. The item can be anything. Then it's time for sharing! Each of the team members will take turns adding up sentences to make a complete story revolving around the object.

Meets Pets

Icebreaker Games

Who doesn't love pets? If it is your first day getting to know each other, a simple icebreaker game idea would be to ask your group to bring their pets or show a few pictures of their pets. After that, you can start the conversation! Talk about the basics like name, age, and where you met them, and make sure to include a fun/personal story about the pet. If your group doesn't have a pet, don't worry! The topic can be their plants, favorite hobbies, or anything that they can show the team and potentially have a story about it!

Phone Photo

Icebreaker Games

Want a fun way to get ready before playing other icebreaker games? You and your team can learn a bit about the members' lives by asking the whole team to show off their most embarrassing/awkward/awesome/proud moments through photos. You can get the team to prepare for this beforehand and start the chat at the beginning of your virtual gathering.

Icebreaker Games

Organizing icebreaker games can be a great way to get your team to know each other better and improve communication. Be sure to try some of the games and questions listed above to get started! Another alternative for a fun icebreaker session is a virtual workshop Singapore from FunEmpire. They have a wide variety of online games that can level up your team spirit. Don't forget to check it out!

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Online Escape Room
Online Escape Room

Online Escape Room

An online escape room game is designed to have players solve riddles and puzzles in order to flee from a building. It might be tough to comprehend how they function or where to begin if you've never played one before. This article will tell you all you need to know about the Virtual Escape Room Singapore offered by FunEmpire so that you may begin playing right away!

You can also check other Virtual Workshop Singapore for more amazing online activities!

What is an Online Escape Room?

An exciting method to get into the competitive mood is to play an online escape room! Depending on how competitive you want to be, Online Escape Game Singapore may be played alone or in groups. Because they don't require any specific gear, Online Escape Rooms are a fantastic way for anybody to get into a fun activity.

Benefits of Online Escape Room

1. Employee Morale

Employee team building activities are a useful technique for employees to stay on top of their duties. Employees may use online Escape Rooms Singapore to interact with one another and boost morale and performance while also mixing chance and skill.

2. Collaboration

Employees are more inclined to collaborate and work together as a result of online escape room games. It stimulate individuals' interest in one another. It also allows individuals to discover one other's talents and limits, allowing them to complement their efforts.

3. Innovation Management

Escape rooms, in general, are fantastic ways to bring people of various ages and backgrounds together under one roof, allowing for synergy and creativity. When individuals with diverse backgrounds work on any project, each concept has the ability to spark a business innovation.

4. Good Work Culture

Employees may learn about one another's skills, shortcomings, work ethics, goals, and hobbies while playing Online Escape Room! Virtual Escape Room is a fantastic way to pass the time. Escape rooms may be an effective training tool for new employees on how to communicate ideas and opinions successfully, deal with concerns that might arise while working on projects or in other ways.

5. Strengthen Relationships

The best corporate culture is one that supports diversity (both cultural and gender) along with acknowledges it, utilizing resources from several time zones. Virtual team-building exercises help businesses build genuine partnerships and connections between dispersed teams while also encouraging cross-generational contact. It allows virtual employees to work together despite geographical distance by means of technology.

How Online Escape Room Works

1. Platforms

Virtual escape rooms are one of the most popular online games. There are many different types to explore, including ones from FunEmpire. Video conferencing tools like Zoom, WebEx, and others may be used to access these! Our professional facilitators will walk you and your group through the entire procedure.

2. Facilitating

Throughout the Virtual Escape Room, you may contact your facilitators at any moment. If you or your team are stuck on a problem for too long or have technical difficulties, reach out to our facilitators at any time!

3. Participants Count

To get started, all you need are two people! The amount of players in our Virtual Escape Room is completely up to you. We'll split you into groups based on your size for the experience.

4. Duration

The Virtual Escape Room is 1.5 hours long and comprises gameplay, a fast overview at the start, and a brief debriefing at the end. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any special requirements for how long it should last!

5. Thematic

While playing our Virtual Escape Room, you may pick from a selection of themes. You could look for werewolves, lift ancient curses, go back in time, and a variety of other things!

Online Escape Room

This online escape room guide explains everything there is to know about our Virtual Escape Room Singapore. Please contact us as soon as possible if this appears to be something your team would be interested in!

You can also check other Virtual Workshop Singapore for more amazing online activities!

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Art Jamming Singapore

Art Jamming Singapore

Art Jamming Singapore is not just a unique virtual workshop but also one of the most popular online weekend getaway activity in Singapore. Joining Art Jamming Singapore workshop by FunEmpire, you will have the chance to relieve your negative energy and charge up yourself with positive thoughts and inspiration. In this article, we will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about art jamming Singapore to help you know better what to expect from this virtual workshop.

How should I prepare for an Art Jamming Singapore workshop?

Art Jamming Singapore

There is no need to prepare anything in advance for FunEmpire's virtual Art Jamming Singapore workshop. Just join our online class with your computer and internet connection, and you are good to go! All the necessary materials such as canvases, paints, brushes will be provided prior to the event through delivery to your doorstep so all you need to do left is just to come with an open mind and be ready to unleash your creativity.

Are there limited slots for registration?

Art Jamming Singapore

While other art jamming Singapore workshops might operate on a first come first serve basis, FunEmpire offers a unique session in which the number of participants can be anywhere from 5 pax to unlimited pax. Plus, distances and geography should never be a problem with the use of video conferencing platforms. Hence, this virtual art jamming Singapore workshop is especially exciting to gather friends, colleagues, or family members from anywhere, anytime to join you in this meaningful bonding sessions.

Is Art Jamming Singapore workshop only for skillful painters?

Art Jamming Singapore

Absolutely not! FunEmpire's Art Jamming Singapore workshop is designed for all levels of painters, from beginners to experienced artists. Our team of dedicated event consultants and certified facilitators will support you before and during the workshop to guide you through the creative process and bring you your ideal Art Jamming workshop. So whether you are a first timer or an experienced artist, art jamming Singapore workshop is suitable for all ages and occasions.

What are the benefits of joining Art Jamming Singapore workshop?

Art Jamming Singapore

Apart from developing painting skills, Art Jamming Singapore workshop participants can also expect to:

Is it expensive to join an Art Jamming Singapore workshop?

Art Jamming Singapore

Depending on your preferences, the price might be varied from different workshop organizers. One of the most popular pricing for an 1 to 2.5 hour workshop is starting from $35 per pax (according to FunEmpire's virtual art jamming Singapore workshop). With this price, the Art Jamming Singapore workshop will definitely be value for money.

Art Jamming Singapore

Undoubtedly, Art Jamming Singapore is a unique and affordable way to escape the city for a relaxing weekend getaway while picking up new painting skills and socializing with others. Such virtual workshop is also a great bonding activity with friends, colleagues or family members. All in all, Art Jamming workshop is a one-stop option to relieve stress, relax, detox your energy and explore your inner artist. Join FunEmpire's Art Jamming Singapore workshop today and enjoy this one-for-all experience!

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Terrarium Workshop
Terrarium Workshop

Terrarium Workshop

Terrariums are ideal for individuals who wish to incorporate some nature into their working environments without having the space for a conventional potted plant. These tiny gardens are quick and easy to create, so they're great for people on the go. FunEmpire offers a simple, inexpensive and fun way to learn how to create your own Terrarium Singapore. The plant workshop is known as terrarium making, and it's easy to learn since it's included in the terrarium course.

The Fun Empire terrarium workshop is led by experts who will give you all of the necessary materials, making terrarium workshop cheap and worthwhile of your time. Before you attend, your customized Terrarium Kit will be delivered to your home! The Virtual Terrarium Workshop Singapore is ideal for freelancers and people who work from home! So what are you waiting for? Make your own terrarium today by booking now!

You can also check other Virtual Workshop Singapore for more amazing workshops!

What are Terrariums?

Terrariums are a wonderful method to bring the serenity and beauty of nature into your own home. Some plants, on the other hand, may find it difficult to grow in such restricted circumstances, making them tough to cultivate. Terrariums necessitate specific conditions that aren't always present elsewhere.

Benefits of Terrariums

1. Therapeutic

Terrariums provide a tranquil environment due to their resemblance with nature. Terrace plants, as well as terrarium moss, help to create this atmosphere. Succulents and other terrarium mosses, for example, make you feel more serene and calm. Terrarium plants also help you sleep well by releasing oxygen at night.

2. Easy to Maintain

Succulents may be kept in a terrarium, which is an ecosystem that does not require watering or fertilization. Succulent plants thrive in bright, hot places and are thus well suited for creating terrariums. Certain succulent plants, such as ferns and mosses, need to be watered once every few weeks.

3. Suitable for Allergies

Terrariums are ideal for allergy sufferers since they eliminate all of the allergens that may be present in their homes. Because they do not shed spores or attract pollinators, ferns and mosses are popular terrarium plants. Mosses and ferns also serve as humidity regulators.

4. Adaptable to Most Places

Terrariums may be placed almost anywhere in your home. They can be seen on a window sill, on a shelf for terrariums, or even on the floor. When completed with flowers or other décor, they also provide aesthetic value.

5. Easy to Make

Terrarium building is quite easy, and even if you have no prior experience with terrariums, FunEmpire's team of specialists can assist you in creating your own at our Terrarium Workshop Singapore.

6. Circulates Clean Air

Indoor terrariums aim to purify the air and raise its humidity by using plants for phytoextraction and transpiration. Houseplants are valued for reducing general carbon dioxide concentrations while also removing pollutants such as benzene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde.

Tips to Maintain Your Terrariums

1. Humidity

It is sufficient to water your terrariums once a week or less. The degree of humidity in the air indicates whether your plants are receiving enough water. It's caused by having too much water in the system, to put it another way.

2. Remove dead plants as soon as possible

It's difficult to create an actual-life terrarium that looks like the real thing. They don't contain the required number of species for efficiently breaking down organic waste. Any uncollected dead plant material will decay over time. We recommend removing unhealthy or dying plants as a precaution. It will assist to maintain the balance and reduce the danger of rot spreading throughout your plants.

3. Keep away from direct sunlight

It's easy to burn your plants when they're in direct sunlight. Keep an eye on the position of your terrariums and the kind of lighting your plants require. Low-light plants, which are much more adaptable as to where you may put them in your home, are another option.

4. Keep an eye out for mould

Mould is the unseen foe that lurks in the nooks and crannies of every terrarium. Mildew and dust are regular issues, but terrariums are distinct from any other plants in your home. They're enclosed, have a high humidity level, and provide an environment conducive to mould development. There are a number of terrarium care products on the market that promise to be safe for terrariums while also preventing mould formation.

5. Clean your jar

Dirty terrarium jars not only look unsanitary (and a major appeal of terrariums is being able to see them), but they also prevent the plants from receiving adequate light. Remove any fibers using a lint-free cloth and warm purified water.

6.Water carefully

When your terrarium does require water, however, a light shower is usually the best option. Some plants may surprise you by how much they like being watered. If you overwater them, they can get shocked and drop their leaves as a result of over-watering. If possible, water your terrarium gently to decrease the risk of damp soil in certain areas but not others.

7. Allow them to grow

After all, we all want healthy, happy plants in our terrarium. We should make every effort to ensure that our plants have everything they need to grow well, but terraria are different in that we don't want our plants to develop too much.

Terrarium Workshop

From the comfort of your own home, create a tiny retreat! Our expert instructors will provide all Terrarium supplies for our Virtual Terrarium Workshop. Your unique Terrarium Kit will be delivered to your residence ahead of time so you may begin working on it right away! The Virtual Terrarium workshop is ideal for remote employees and those who work from home! Each session lasts 1.5 hours, including set-up and debriefing. You may pick your preferred date, time, and number of participants (minimum of 5 pax). The amazing part? It's completely online!

You can also check other Virtual Workshop Singapore for more amazing workshops!

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Looking for a fun workshop to attend in Singapore? Look no further! We have compiled a list of the 7 best workshops that are sure to get your creative juices flowing. From perfume making to flower arrangement, the experience is endless! And don't worry, we have included the venues so you can start planning your next weekend outing.

Art Jamming Workshop


One of the most popular art jamming venues in Singapore, FunEmpire offers a wide variety of art supplies for you to use. You can book the workshop in advance and level up your next gathering with a creative and unique experience. What are you waiting for? Sign up now!

Address 1: FunEmpire HQ (5B Guillemard Road, Level 3 Wing Fong Building, Singapore 399685)

Address 2: Hyperspace @ Lavender (91A Lavender Street Singapore 338719)

Clay Making Workshop


Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned pro, this workshop at FunEmpire is perfect for you. With experienced instructors on hand to guide you, let your imagination run wild as you create your own clay masterpiece. This activity is appealing to all ages and FunEmpire offers sessions where you can require any number of participants.

Address 1: FunEmpire HQ (5B Guillemard Road, Level 3 Wing Fong Building, Singapore 399685)

Address 2: Hyperspace @ Lavender (91A Lavender Street Singapore 338719)

Terrarium Workshop


Terrariums are all the rage these days and for good reason too! They make for beautiful home decorations and require minimal maintenance. In this workshop by FunEmpire, you will learn how to assemble your own terrarium under the guidance of experienced facilitators. All materials will be provided so you can simply sit back, relax and get your hands dirty.

Address 1: FunEmpire HQ (5B Guillemard Road, Level 3 Wing Fong Building, Singapore 399685)

Address 2: Hyperspace @ Lavender (91A Lavender Street Singapore 338719)

Leather Making Workshop


Are you looking for a unique and stylish gift for a loved one? Or perhaps you want to treat yourself to something special? Come down to this leather-making workshop by FunEmpire and create your very own bespoke leather goods. With experienced crafters on hand, you can choose to learn stitching skills, make your own Stitched Leather items and walk away with a one-of-a-kind product!

Address 1: FunEmpire HQ (5B Guillemard Road, Level 3 Wing Fong Building, Singapore 399685)

Address 2: Hyperspace @ Lavender (91A Lavender Street Singapore 338719)

Balloon Sculpting Workshop


Looking for something fun and unique to do with the kids? Bring them down to this balloon sculpting workshop by FunEmpire and let them explore their creativity. With a wide variety of colors and shapes to choose from, they are sure to have a blast! So what are you waiting for? Gather your friends and family and head on to this amazing workshop!

Address 1: FunEmpire HQ (5B Guillemard Road, Level 3 Wing Fong Building, Singapore 399685)

Address 2: Hyperspace @ Lavender (91A Lavender Street Singapore 338719)

Candle Making Workshop


Looking for a relaxing activity to do with your friends? Come down to this candle-making workshop by FunEmpire and learn how to make your own gel candles. The workshop is promised to give you and your loved ones a therapeutic experience where your creativity can be unleashed at the same time!

Address 1: FunEmpire HQ (5B Guillemard Road, Level 3 Wing Fong Building, Singapore 399685)

Address 2: Hyperspace @ Lavender (91A Lavender Street Singapore 338719)

Cooking Workshop


Are you a foodie looking to learn how to cook some of your favorite dishes? Or perhaps you are just starting out and need some guidance in the kitchen. Either way, this cooking workshop by FunEmpire is perfect for you! Try out our workshop and enjoy a tasty delight for your next gathering now!

Address 1: FunEmpire HQ (5B Guillemard Road, Level 3 Wing Fong Building, Singapore 399685)

Address 2: Hyperspace @ Lavender (91A Lavender Street Singapore 338719)


We hope you enjoyed our list of the five best workshops in Singapore and their venues! If you are looking for more fun and unique experiences, be sure to check out FunEmpire. We are sure you will find one that is perfect for you!

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Workshops Singapore

Workshops Singapore

Looking for something fun to do this weekend? Why not check out one of the many workshops Singapore has to offer! There is something for everyone, from leather making to art jamming workshops. You can learn a new skill or simply have some fun with friends. Here are 10 of our favorite workshops Singapore for a great weekend hangout!

Leather Making Workshop

Workshops Singapore

If you are looking for a unique workshop, look no further than FunEmpire's leather making workshop! In this hands-on class, you will learn how to make your own coin pouch, luggage tag, and key fob. You can also choose to learn stitching skills and create Stitched Leather items. This is a great opportunity to learn a new skill and create something beautiful that you can use every day.

Art Jamming Workshop

Workshops Singapore

Looking to get creative? The Art Jamming Workshop at FunEmpire is the perfect place for you! This popular workshop allows you to explore your creativity and paint whatever you like. There is no need to have any experience, as the friendly instructors will guide you through the basics. You will be provided with all the materials you need, so all you have to do is relax and have fun.

Terrarium Making Workshop

Workshops Singapore

Want to add some greenery to your home? FunEmpire's Terrarium Making Workshop will teach you how to make your own terrarium. This is a great way to get started with plants, as they are easy to care for and make a beautiful addition to any home. You will also receive tips on how to care for your new plants.

Gel Candle Making Workshop

Workshops Singapore

Learn how to make your own gel candles while getting a unique and fragrant way to spruce up your home in FunEmpire's Gel Candle Making Workshop. These candles are made with essential oils, so they smell great and are good for your health. That's why this gel candle making workshop session will be an amazing therapeutic experience for you to chill out on weekends.

Clay Making Workshop

Workshops Singapore

In FunEmpire's Clay Making Workshop, you will learn how to work with clay and create your own unique pieces. What are you waiting for? Get your hands dirty and have some fun! You will be able to choose from a variety of colors and shapes to create something that is truly one-of-a-kind.

Cooking Workshop

Workshops Singapore

If you love to cook, or simply want to learn how to cook, this workshop is for you! In the Cooking Workshop at FunEmpire, you will get a chance to expand your culinary skills and impress your friends and family with your new abilities. What's better than a fun cooking experience which ends up become a tasty delight?

Wine Appreciation Workshop

Workshops Singapore

Do you love wine? Then join FunEmpire's Wine Appreciation Workshop and learn everything there is to know about this delicious drink. You will get to taste a variety of wines and learn about the different flavors. Seize this great opportunity to explore the world of wine and find your new favorite bottle while tightening the bond with your friends and family during an engaging weekend hangout!

Workshops Singapore

So, what are you waiting for? Check out one of these workshops Singapore this weekend and start having some fun! Get in touch with FunEmpire and sign up for your favourite workshop before your next weekend hangout!

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Team bonding activities SG

Team bonding activities SG

Looking for team bonding activities SG that you can do with your friends? Look no further! In this blog post, we will discuss 9 fun team bonding activities from FunEmpire that are perfect for groups. From outdoor activities to indoor games like leather workshop singapore, we have something for everyone! So gather your friends and get ready to have some fun!

1. Leather Workshop Singapore

One of the most popular team bonding activities SG at FunEmpire is the leather workshop Singapore. In this activity, groups will be able to learn how to make their own custom leather items. This session allows everyone to be creative and have a lot of fun while making something unique that they can take home with the unforgettable experience.

Team bonding activities SG

2. Virtual Escape Room

Another great team bonding activity SG is the virtual escape room from FunEmpire. You and your friends will have to work together in order to solve challenges and escape. Test your teamwork and problem-solving skills in your next gathering and create memorable experience together!

Team bonding activities SG

3. Virtual Amazing Race

FunEmpire's virtual Amazing Race is another team bonding activity SG that is ideal for groups. Competing against your buddies and race to be the winner while travelling around the globe. This will be a unique experience to share with your team! The game can also host up to unlimited pax so try it out now!

Team bonding activities SG

4. Virtual Food Quest

If you and your team are food lovers, then the virtual food quest team bonding activity SG is meant for you! Your team will have to work together in order to find clues and solve food-related puzzles, while learning more about diverse types of cuisine. Playing this game will help you get closer to your friends through guaranteed fun and laughters - join us now!

Team bonding activities SG

5. Virtual Time Travel

Do you want to go back in time or forward to the future and explore different eras and timezones? If yes, you and your team should try out the virtual time travel team bonding activity SG from FunEmpire. Applying your team's problem-solving skills to conquer one of the most unique team building games ever created!

Team bonding activities SG

6. Virtual Terrarium Workshop

Create your own mini gardens in a jar with FunEmpire's virtual terrarium workshop! This is a great way to bond with nature and your team as you work to create something beautiful, unwind and relax together.

Team bonding activities SG

7. Virtual Art Jamming

Virtual art jamming team bonding activity SG is the best for groups who are looking for a creative outlet. In this session, you and your team will be able to explore different painting techniques as you create your own masterpiece. Bond with your friends and have fun while expressing yourselves, why not?

Team bonding activities SG

8. Laser Tag

Looking for a team bonding activity SG that is perfect for all ages? Look no further than laser tag! It's an adrenaline-filled game that will get your heart racing as you try to take down your opponents. This is definitely a team bonding experience that you and your friends will never forget!

Team bonding activities SG

9. Saber Tag®

Saber Tag team bonding activity SG is a safe and fun alternative to laser tag. Using high-tech LED sabers, you and your team will have to face off in a friendly battle. This is a great way to let loose and have some fun with your friends!

Team bonding activities SG

Team bonding activities SG

Team bonding activities SG like leather making workshop, laser tag or escape room are a great way to spend time with your friends and create unforgettable memories together. So what are you waiting for? Gather your team and come try out one of these activities today at FunEmpire!

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Corporate workshop Singapore

Corporate workshop Singapore

If you're looking for a fun way to bond with your colleagues, you should try corporate workshop Singapore with a wide variety of options, from leather workshop Singapore to art jamming and many more! These 5 activities from FunEmpire are a great way to get to know your coworkers better and have some fun while you're at it!

1. Leather workshop Singapore

One of the most popular corporate workshop Singapore is leather workshop Singapore from FunEmpire. You and your colleagues will get to design and hand-craft your own unique leather products, such as keychains, cardholders, or even a passport holder! This is a great activity for team building as it requires cooperation and communication in order to create a product that is both stylish and functional.

What's even more exciting is that FunEmpire provides such workshops for up to unlimited pax. Get ready and create beautiful memories with you colleagues in Leather Workshop Singapore from FunEmpire now!

Corporate workshop Singapore

2. Art jamming

If your team are into something more creative, why not try art jamming? This corporate workshop Singapore allows you to unleash your inner artist as you work together to create beautiful pieces of art. You'll be given all the supplies you need, from paints and brushes to canvases , and you can let your creativity flow!

These art jamming workshops allow you to see your colleagues in a different light, and it's also a lot of fun! Art jamming from FunEmpire is the perfect way to bonding with your co-workers.

Corporate workshop Singapore

3. Terrarium Workshop

Another popular corporate workshop Singapore is terrarium workshop. In this workshop, you'll get to create your own miniature garden in a glass jar! This is a great way to unwind and relax, and it's also a beautiful decoration for your office desk.

You'll learn about plant care, and you'll get to choose from a variety of plants to create your own unique terrarium. This is a great chance for your team to boost cooperation and communication while creating a beautiful terrarium.

FunEmpire provides such workshops for up to unlimited pax, so join and bond with your colleagues in Terrarium Workshop from FunEmpire now!

Corporate workshop Singapore

4. Clay Workshop

Thinking about something unique? Try clay workshop! This corporate workshop Singapore allows you to create your own personalised mug or plate. You can choose from a variety of designs, and you'll get to paint and decorate your own piece of pottery. This workshop activity not only allows you to show off your creative side, but it's also an amazing occasion to tighten the bond with your teammates!

Corporate workshop Singapore

5. Candle Making Workshop

Last but not least, candle making workshop is a fantastic way to have some fun with your colleagues! This corporate workshop Singapore will teach you how to make your own soy candles, and you'll get to choose from a variety of scents.

FunEmpire organises candle making workshop with a range from 5 to unlimited pax so let's join and enjoy lovely moments with your co-workers!

Corporate workshop Singapore

Corporate workshop Singapore is

So, what are you waiting for? Corporate workshop Singapore is the perfect way to spend quality time with your colleagues, especially for activities like leather workshop Singapore. Get in touch now and make the most out of an ideal team-building session with FunEmpire!

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Virtual Escape Room Australia

What are Virtual Escape Rooms? They are online escape room games that can be played from the convenience of your homes. Just like a normal escape room game, there are clues provided for you to solves puzzles and escape from the room.

We have a variety of Virtual Escape Rooms provided for a complete experience. Choose the storyline you like and invite your friends or family to join you! You can even bring your colleagues to play together with you since this helps to foster virtual team building. In this article, we will share the 5 top most exciting Virtual Escape Room Australia.

Curse Of The Werewolf

Virtual Escape Room Australia- Curse Of The Werewolf
Virtual Escape Room Australia- Curse Of The Werewolf

A dark creature terrorises a small village, attacking innocent people during night. In this game, players must work together to solve a series of puzzles in order to escape from a werewolf's curse. This escape room is designed for virtual team building games and is perfect for those who love a good mystery. Quickly solve the puzzles to keep the villagers safe!

Super Planet

Virtual Escape Room Australia - Super Planet
Virtual Escape Room Australia - Super Planet

Earth has been destroyed and humans live in different planets now. Until, she visited you in your dreams. Now your life has changed forever because you have... Superpowers! Find out who are the other superhuman and with your new found powers, your mission is to restore Earth!

Time's Ticking

Virtual Escape Room Australia- Time's Ticking
Virtual Escape Room Australia- Time's Ticking

Someone just threatened to blow up the city! Work together to stop this from happening by finding out the suspect and defusing the bomb! Before its too late, quickly invite your friends to help you find out the bombing suspect and keep the city safe!

Jack's Hangover

Virtual Escape Room Australia - Jack's Hangover
Virtual Escape Room Australia - Jack's Hangover

Jack wakes up with a terrible headache and no recollection of last night. Help Jack to find out what happened last night! Navigate through different locations while solving puzzles with your team. Can you help Jack find out what happened last night?

Squid Escape

Virtual Escape Room Australia - Squid Escape
Virtual Escape Room Australia - Squid Escape

You have all heard of Squid Game right? Now it is a reality, in the form of a Virtual Escape room. Your team has to solve the puzzles and expose the operations for being inhumane to their participants. It is up to you and your team to escape from their clutches before they can find out!

Virtual Escape Room Australia

Virtual Escape Room Australia games are perfect for virtual team building and just having some fun with your team! Escape the room games by thinking together and communicating with your team. If you're looking for something new to do, try out our virtual escape room games! You won't regret it!

There are so many solutions available that it's difficult to know which one is ideal for you - but don't worry, we'll get some help shortly. Take a look at more escape room game online at Virtual Escape Room Australia for more information.

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Team Building Meaning

Team Building Meaning

Team building is essential for any business. It helps to develop trust, communication and co-operation between team members. Not only is it beneficial for the individual team members, but the company as a whole. But what does team building mean, exactly? And how can you organise an ideal team building event? 

In this blog post, we will introduce the team building meaning and provide tips on how to make your next team building event a success! The experiences have been accumulated by FunEmpire - the #1 team building company in Singapore with more than 20,000 successful events and 1,000,000+ happy clients.

Team building meaning

The term “team building” has become more popular than ever, yet the true team building meaning is still not clear to many people. Team building means creating an environment that encourages collaboration and communication within a group of individuals with a common goal. The main purpose of team building is to strengthen relationships between team members, improve team morale, and increase team productivity.

There are many team building activities available, but not all of them are suitable for every group. The key to a successful team building event is to choose the right activity that best suits your group’s needs. Here are some tips on how to select the ideal team building activity:

Tip 1: Define the objectives of the team building event

Before you can choose an activity, you need to know what the objectives of the event are. What do you want your team to achieve? Do you want them to learn how to work together better? Or are you looking for a way to boost morale and increase productivity? Once you know what you want to achieve, it will be easier to find an activity that suits your needs.

For example, some team building activities to achieve a variety of objectives, such as team morale, communication, co-operation, problem solving and creativity can be Virtual Escape Room, Virtual Amazing Race, Virtual Squid Game Escape, Poolball from FunEmpire.

Meanwhile, team bonding activities such as FunEmpire's Art Jamming Workshop, Leather Making Workshop, Virtual Party Mania would be perfect for teams that needs to improve their relationships with each other. 

Team Building Meaning

Tip 2: Consider the group size

The next step is to consider the size of your group. Team building activities can be divided into two categories: small group activities and large group activities. Small group activities of up to 20 people are more intimate and allow team members to get to know each other better. Large group activities, on the other hand, are more suited for groups of 30 or more people. They are a great way to get everyone involved and build team spirit.

At FunEmpire, you can customise the group size as per your expectations. Their bonding activities are so flexible in the number of participants that some of them even have no limits for the size, either it is a virtual, physical, or hybrid session.

Team Building Meaning

Tip 3: Choose an activity that is relevant to your company or organization.

The activity you choose should be relevant to your company or organization. Team building activities can be divided into four categories: indoor activities, outdoor activities, physical activities and mental activities. Indoor activities are more suitable for companies that want to promote creativity and problem-solving skills. Outdoor activities are perfect for team building events that aim to build teamwork and communication. Physical activities are a great way to get everyone moving and boost team morale. Mental activities, on the other hand, are more suited for groups that want to improve their critical thinking skills.

At FunEmpire, we have a wide range of virtual, physical, indoor and outdoor team building activities that are perfect for companies of all sizes. We also offer various genres of events from fast-paced games to relaxing workshops and intriguing escape room challenges. 

Team Building Meaning

Team Building Meaning

Now that you know the team building meaning and how to host an amazing activity, it’s time to start planning your event. If you are seeking for some help in organising an unforgettable team-building session, do contact FunEmpire and let us know your team's needs.

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Virtual Team Building Singapore is the leading Virtual Team Building provider in Singapore. We offer numerous fun and exciting virtual team building activities for your corporate team building, casual gathering or cohesion from the comfort of your own home!
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